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ASF EVENTS App Notes and Troubleshooting


The ASF EVENTS Smartphone App can be downloaded at the following links:

 Apple Store

 Google Play Store

Please note: the ASF EVENTS smartphone app ONLY works on an iPhone or Android Smartphone – it does not work on an Apple iPad or on Android-based tablets.

Click here for the desktop, laptop, tablet, and iPad web browser link. This link will allow you to access the Virtual Family Meeting on all of these non-smartphone devices. Simply visit the browser link, then enter you name and email address used during Eventbrite registration. Disregard any password prompts.

The browser link and smartphone app are designed to work together to provide a highly interactive experience for event registrants.

After downloading the ASF EVENTS smartphone app, you’ll be promoted to log-in. You MUST use the same email address you provided during the Eventbrite registration so your access is instantly granted. You’ll then create a personal password and enter it twice for verification.

You’ll be directed to a landing page containing a large, dark blue rectangle above the phrasing “Alport Virtual Family Meeting.” Simply click anywhere on this dark blue box to access the app home page containing all the meeting content.

Please “refresh” your app every day you use it by clicking the clockwise arrow in the top right hand corner of the app homepage. This will ensure you won’t miss any new content!

Additionally, your smartphone may prompt you to update the date – please do so as you would any other smartphone app by visiting the Apple or Google Play store (depending on your phone’s operating system).


I’m on the app main page but don’t see Dr. Simon’s Alport Overview Video. Refresh your app via the arrow on the top right hand corner to ensure you see all the latest content.

The Apple Store won’t let me download the ASF EVENTS app on my iPhone. Be advised the ASF EVENTS app may not support older iOS and is not compatible with every iPhone model.

How do I view the live sessions? Click on the “Agenda” icon on your smartphone app mainpage and follow the “Video Stream” link underneath the session you want to watch.

If you have any other questions about the ASF EVENTS app, please email Kevin Schnurr or Lisa Bonebrake at [email protected].