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Virtual 5K for Healthy Kidneys – Thank You!

Thank you for your participation!

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent CDC guidelines of social responsibility to cease large gatherings until the crisis is resolved, the Bonebrake and Landwehr families collectively made the tough decision to change the format of the April 5, 2020 San Diego 5K for Healthy Kidneys to an all Virtual Race. Naturally, the health and safety of all members of the renal community is their priority and also the priority of Alport Syndrome Foundation.

Despite the change in plans, the 5K organizers and ASF Board of Directors were deeply moved by the tremendous support for the Virtual Event. We received many excellent race images from 5Ks held all across the country and we are thrilled to share them below. We’re grateful to report your generosity helped us exceed our fundraising goal of $30,000.

With sponsorships, race registrations, individual gifts, and an extraordinary gift from an anonymous donor matching all gifts received between March 5th and race day, the total raised is an impressive $50,662!

Odds & Ends:

-If you haven’t already done so: Please send us a photo wearing your Alport Syndrome Foundation “swag” and we’ll happily share it in our messaging. Send photos to [email protected].

-Registrants after the March 14th cut-off-date for a race t-shirt: Email images of your race participation to [email protected] to receive a race medal and awareness bracelet post-race.

All funds raised from the 5K benefit programs and services for people living with the challenges of Alport syndrome. This includes our annual Family Meeting, ongoing website resources, communications services, awareness and education efforts, and much more.

ASF is grateful for Champion of Awareness sponsor Watkins Wellness for support of the San Diego/Virtual 5K for Healthy Kidneys.

Questions about our Annual 5K? Email us