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Aug. 1-2, 2020 Alport Virtual Family Meeting: THANK YOU!


Quick Links for Event Pre-Registrants:

Click here to download the ASF EVENTS Smartphone App – Apple or Google Play Stores

Click here for ASF EVENTS Smartphone App Instructions and Troubleshooting

Click here to view the web browser link for desktops, laptops, iPads, tablets


August 20 2020 UPDATE:

Event registration remains closed CLOSED.

All Virtual Family Meeting registrants can now access closed-captioned recordings of the live August 1-2 sessions by viewing the “Pre-Recorded” section in the ASF EVENTS Smartphone App or via our browser link. Remember to refresh!

If you didn’t pre-register for the Family Meeting, you’ll be able to access recordings of the August 1-2 live sessions soon after an update to our smartphone/web app. More details forthcoming!


As the event has passed, see archived event instructions below:

Registrants for the Virtual Family Meeting can access all content by downloading the ASF EVENTS app on their smartphone or joining via our web browser link (desktop, laptop, iPad, tablets). Please ensure to double check the accuracy of your provided email address on the Eventbrite form as this information is crucial for your event participation.

The no-charge ASF EVENTS app for smartphones is now available in the Apple and Google Play Stores.

After downloading the smartphone app, access is only available through secure log-in with the same email address used to register for the Virtual Family Meeting. Forgot what email you used? Email info@alportsyndrome. After entering your Eventbrite-supplied email, you’ll then need to create a personal password, which must be entered twice for verification. Questions about the app? See our Instructions and Troubleshooting page.

Additionally, the browser-based link (desktop, iPad, tablets) can be accessed at this link. You will enter your name and email address (same one you used when registering in Eventbrite) to access the web-based experience. Note: Disregard any prompt for a password.

The ASF EVENTS App and browser link work together to provide a highly interactive event experience and the simultaneous use of both is encouraged.

Each person in your family over the age of 12 who plans to use a digital device to participate in the meeting will need to individually register with their own unique email address to receive access to the meeting content.

Please note: Registrants for our canceled in-person Cleveland event will have to re-register for the Virtual Meeting.

While ASF Board, staff and volunteers are disappointed not to speak and be with you in person, we are embracing the silver linings a virtual event offers.

Instead of coming to Cleveland, we’re bringing some of Cleveland Clinic’s medical experts to you, as well as experts from other parts of the United States!

For the first-time in ASF’s 13-year history, the annual Family Meeting will be a no-charge event featuring live, interactive broadcasts and pre-recorded content accessible to those who want to learn from, and connect with, experts and each other. It doesn’t matter where you live: find a comfortable spot wherever you are and join us via your desktop, laptop, tablet, or cell phone and prepare for up-to-date information. Relevant, engaging content will be offered for new patients and Family Meeting returnees alike. Medical professionals and international patients/families are also welcome to register!

By participating in the Virtual Family Meeting, you’ll learn the latest information about living with Alport syndrome and have opportunities for live Q and A.

All presentations – our live broadcasts, and pre-recorded content – will include closed captioning in English.

Pre-recorded content for August 1-2 is scheduled to include information the 2020 Research Program, Advocacy, clinical trials, and more. ASF plans to follow-up on some of the pre-recorded topics by offering additional no-charge webinars later this year.

The Healthy Happy Kidneys Program will offer pre-recorded content for ages 9-12 to view with their parents/guardians.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Thank you to our generous 2020 Virtual Meeting sponsors: